Project Overview


To build on the success of the WEnav resources created by Workforce WindsorEssex and replicated in a few other Ontario communities, the LEPC will create a new online tool, update existing resources and author a benefits guide on how and why the WEnav tool can be effectively implemented in other communities.

Project Timeline

April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020


Project Status – COMPLETED

The updated WEnav career exploration program has been created and launched, with the aim of continually updating the content throughout the project as additional suggestions are recommended by user groups. The program is available in English and in French, with custom resources available for certain audiences, including job seekers, newcomers, parents, youth, teachers, and employers. A best practices guide has also been developed and includes tips for other communities that want to create a WEnav platform for their area. If you have suggestions for new content or would like to provide a testimonials, please email us at

The two deliverables for this project can be found here:



Project Rationale:

The original WEnav career exploration curriculum was created in 2014 to help educators teach students how to explore careers while accessing current labour market information. This project has been replicated in other Ontario communities by the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie and East Central Ontario Training Board. Over the past five years, educators in Windsor-Essex have come to rely on WEnav to inform students about future careers, however this low tech, high value resource could use an update in both function and content before we encourage more workforce boards to replicate it further.

First, the LEPC will modernize the way people access and use the online resources through the development of a new online tool. Second, this tool will continue to serve employment counsellors and educators, but will also be adapted to assist parents with their children’s career exploration process. Providing the information in an online format ensures that employment counsellors, educators and parents are sharing the most up to date information with their clients, students and children, highlighting the in-demand job opportunities locally. In 2018, the tool was accessed over 300 times, with local educators noting that they use the tool consistently with their classes year-over-year. The tool also supports staff of employment-focused organizations to have accurate and relevant information for their clients to use on their own or through trainer-led workshops and classes. It has also been identified as beneficial for educators who have not previously taught a Careers course and want to learn about the local labour market themselves. Throughout the year, Workforce WindsorEssex staff present the tool and share about its many capabilities with educators of multiple local school boards, as well as staff and clients of employment-focused organizations. We have heard from educators and service providers that the tool has been helpful in developing new resources, as a presentation/workshop tool, improving their students/clients understanding of the local labour market, and helping to prepare individuals for the workforce.

To help other workforce development boards adopt a similar resource for their community, the LEPC will develop a benefits guide that will inform other workforce boards about the value of developing a similar tool.


Project Contact:

Tashlyn Teskey, Manager of Projects & Research

226-674-3220 ext. 857