WE LIP Success Story | September 2023
On Sunday September 17th, 2023, the Windsor Essex Local Immigration Partnership (WE LIP) collaborated with the TeaMWork Project, the Migrant Worker Community Program (MWCP) and the Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (WERCSWB) in hosting the Public Safety Day & Festival of Guest Nations at Seacliff Park in Leamington.
Public Safety Day is an opportunity for newcomers, migrant workers, and the broader community to connect with service providers and public servants who work to keep Essex County safe and healthy. The annual event celebrates and supports the diversity of migrant workers in the community, the sacrifices they make in leaving their families and coming to Essex County and their many contributions to the community and local economy.
This year’s successful event had over 1500 participants who enjoyed live music, food, entertainment, and participated in a raffle for bicycles. Participants were also eligible to get blood pressure and diabetes testing thanks to the Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (weCHC). The Festival of Guest Nations served as an opportunity to facilitate community building and engagement between the workers, service providing organizations and the larger community.
This year, some highlights from the event included:
- The signing of the “Health Window” agreement between MWCP and the Consulate of Mexico, the first of its kind. The objective of this agreement is to improve the physical and mental well-being of Mexicans residing in the region through a number of measures
- The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) conducted 250 surveys to gather input on the mental health needs of workers
- Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (WeCHC) distributed 6000 condoms, 4000 masks, 300 Blood Pressure checks, 20 glucose tests that required follow-up and 200 Noloxon kits
Participating Organizations:
- Active Care Response Team
- Asian Community AIDS Services
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Consulate of Mexico in Leamington
- Crime Stoppers
- Embassy of Honduras
- Embassy of Thailand
- Essex County Library
- Essex Windsor EMS
- Family Services Windsor Essex
- Filipino Community Centre
- Latinos Positivos
- Legal Aid Windsor
- Migrant Worker Community Program
- New Canadians’ Centre of Excellence Inc.
- Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers
- Ontario Health West
- Ontario Provincial Police
- People Corporation
- Pozitive Pathways
- PRESMA Project
- Rapha Christian Centre
- RCSWB Windsor Essex
- South Essex Community Centre
- TeaMWork Project
- We Speak
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
- Windsor Essex Community Health Centre
- Windsor Essex Local Immigration Partnership
- Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women
This successful event was thanks to the many participants and the over 30 organizations present. Thank you all to who came out in support of this incredible event!
Download a PDF copy of this Success Story here: