WE LIP Success Story | March 2024
On February 29th and March 1st, 2024, the WE LIP and the WE Value Partnership organized a two-day Data Sharing and Community Consultation event. This event was hosted at Other Place Catering in Windsor and aimed at enhancing newcomer integration in the Windsor-Essex region.
The event featured a presentation by Jordan Thompson, Senior Director of Engagement at IRCC, offering insights into the future of Canada’s Immigration system. Dr. Reza Nakhaie, Professor of Sociology at the University of Windsor, led a presentation that included learnings about the relationships between the socio-demographic characteristics of clients and predictors of newcomer integration, health, education, social support, and individual and environmental assets. Dr. Nakhaie’s analysis, based on data collected through the WE Value Settlement Assessment and housed in the K2 Pathway to Settlement System, provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of newcomer experiences and challenges.
Facilitating cross-sectoral dialogue, participants engaged with practitioners in their sector to discuss the relationship between settlement plan actions, outcomes, and organizational contributions to newcomer success.
The Data Sharing and Community Consultation event underscored the importance of collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and collective action in fostering a more inclusive community for newcomers in Windsor-Essex.
Click here to view WE Value Partnership’s webpage.
Click here to view the recording of Dr. Nakhaie’s data analysis presentation.
Download a PDF copy of this Success Story here: