WE LIP Success Story | March 2022
WE LIP SPICE Professional Learning Circle
The WE LIP Settlement Partners Information Communication Exchange (SPICE) Committee has been meeting regularly since the winter of 2013. The meetings provide valuable opportunities for representatives from local Newcomer Service Providers and City of Windsor Employment and Social Services, and Housing and Children’s Services departments to exchange information, learn about each other’s operational models and problem solve challenges experienced while serving their mutual clients. The committee planned its seventh Professional Learning Circle (PLC) which took place on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM with over 122 participants.
This professional development event provided an opportunity for front-line staff to meet virtually through Zoom, to share information and provide opportunities to seek clarification on specific topics that affect the successful settlement and integration of immigrants into Windsor-Essex. To ensure that the information presented was of value to participants, SPICE Committee members submitted suggested topics and a short survey was created to summarize and prioritize the topics by order of interest. During the event, presentations were delivered on Ontario Works – MyBenefits, Journey of a Refugee Claimant and Building Digital Literacy with ISSofBC’s Digital Literacy Materials. Participants were provided an opportunity to submit related questions during the event through the available chat option.
To view the recording and to access some of the presentations and resources shared, please check out the WE LIP SPICE Professional Learning Circle webpage!
Download a PDF copy of this Success Story here: