WE LIP Success Story | August 2022
On August 13, 2022, the Windsor Essex Local Immigration Partnership (WE LIP) was proud to join a number of community partners in a Commitment to Community outreach initiative to bring healthcare supports to migrant agricultural workers and locals living on Pelee Island.
The Health Fair took place with the support of Pelee Island Winery where more than 70+ people attended to meet with healthcare providers to discuss health concerns, obtain prescriptions and referrals, receive their COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, pick up some COVID-19 Rapid Tests, and learn about mental health as well as harm reduction and addiction supports available through partnered organizations. As usual, the Migrant Worker Community Program’s team of volunteers were on site to provide outreach and interpretation supports.
Through a post-event survey, workers expressed an interest in additional supports (such as eye care and dental care), and 100% of respondents were happy with the service they received and would attend future Health and Information Fairs.
Partners for the event included:
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA),
- Erie Shores HealthCare’s Mobile Medical Support Team (MMS),
- Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW),
- Migrant Worker Community Program (MWCP),
- Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (weCHC),
- Ontario Health (West),
- Partnered Research Evaluating Supports for Migrant Agricultural Workers (PRESMA) Project.
The Health Fair was a great opportunity to meet with the workers on the island and hear their stories, while also connecting with community partners working hard to support them.
Download a PDF copy of this Success Story here: