Labour Market Insights

COVID-19 and Entering Stage 3: Top In-Demand and Most Searched Occupations in Windsor-Essex for August 2020

The Windsor-Essex region moved to Stage 3 on August 12. Again, the region was last to move into the next stage, with the rest of Ontario moving to Stage 3 between July 17-31. Stage 3 allows for larger gathering limits (a maximum of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors, with physical distancing measures in place).

We’re taking a look at how job search and hiring demand has changed as more restrictions have been lifted in the region.

This month saw the Windsor CMA’s unemployment rate decrease to 10.1% from 12.5% in July.

In August 2020, there were 3,768 total active job postings from 1,432 employers. The Job Board saw 21,163 total interactions from 6,384 users. Users were up 4.6% from July.

August 2020 Labour Market Information Blog - Top five occupations searched for in Windsor-Essex

The top five occupations receiving the most interactions for August were Retail Salespersons, Administrative Assistant, Other Customer and Information Services Representatives, Delivery and Courier Service Drivers, and Receptionists.

This month saw an increase in interactions with Receptionist occupations. As Windsor-Essex moved to Stage 3, more businesses were permitted to reopen. These businesses may require an individual at the front desk to screen customers or clients and provide instructions and PPE to those entering the premises.

August 2020 Labour Market Information Blog - Top in-demand occupations for in Windsor-Essex

The top ten in-demand occupations by local employers for August 2020 were Retail Salespersons; Transport Truck Drivers; Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations; Other Customer and Information Services Representatives; Nursery and Greenhouse Workers; Cooks; Material Handlers; Delivery and Courier Service Drivers; Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers; and Light Duty Cleaners.

Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers fell from #10 with 63 postings to #16 with 47 postings in August. The region, however, is seeing an increase in the demand for Cooks, which increased 35.9% from July. As part of Stage 3, restaurants are permitted to resume indoor dining, practicing social distancing. This could explain the increased demand for Cooks as these establishments prepared to open mid-month.

While more businesses reopen, the region is also seeing an increase in the demand for Light Duty Cleaners, likely due to the need for stricter cleaning protocols to keep staff and patrons safe.

August 2020 Labour Market Information blog - top 10 hiring sectors in Windsor-Essex

In the top hiring sectors in the region for August 2020, postings for Full-Service Restaurants are up 36.2% (94 postings in August versus 69 postings in July) and Limited-Service Eating Places are up 5.8% (73 postings in August versus 69 postings in July). This further shows that Full-Service Restaurants in particular are eager to take advantage of the restrictions lifted in Stage 3.

This demand could also speak to those participating in a “staycation’ and wanting to enjoy a meal out of the house before the summer ends.

For further information on what is permitted in Ontario under Stage 3, please click here.





As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from 14 unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.


The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.

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