Labour Market Insights
Adapting to Life and Education in Lockdown: Top Occupations and In-Demand Jobs for Windsor-Essex for April 2021
Further to the restrictions set in place in early April, the Ontario Government announced strengthened measures on April 16, as well as a return to virtual learning as of April 20. These restrictions are assumed to be in effect until at least May 20.
April 2021 saw 4,255 total active job postings from 2,414 companies for a decrease of 8.98% over the previous month’s 4,637 total active job postings. The Job Board received 15,768 interactions (a decrease of 34.47% from 21,203 interactions in March) from 6,133 users (a decrease of 33.2% from the previous month).
With Ontario in the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re seeing an overall decrease in job searches. With the public health measures that have been in place in April and continuing through May, many individuals may want to wait until they receive their first vaccine dose or wait until the situation stabilizes to pursue employment.
The top searched-for occupations overall in Windsor-Essex for April 2021 were:
Administrative Assistants; Other Customer and Information Services Representatives; Retail Salespersons; Material Handlers; and Store Shelf Stockers, Clerks and Order Fillers.
The top searched-for occupations by men in Windsor-Essex for April 2021 were:
Material Handlers; Delivery and Courier Service Drivers; Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities; Other Customer and Information Services Representatives; and Retail Salespersons.
The top searched-for occupations by women in Windsor-Essex for April 2021 were:
Administrative Assistants; Other Customer and Information Services Representatives; Retail Salespersons; Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations; and Store Shelf Stockers, Clerks and Order Fillers.
The top ten in-demand occupations by local employers for April 2021 were:
Retail Salespersons; Transport Truck Drivers; Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations; Material Handlers; Other Customer and Information Services Representatives; Other Instructors; Cooks; Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers; Nursery and Greenhouse Workers; and Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations.
New on the top in-demand occupations list for April 2021 is Other Instructors, which teach courses (motor vehicle or motorcycle driving, sailing and navigation, sewing, and other courses) that are outside of educational institutions. Other Instructors are employed by driving schools, fabric retailers, and other commercial establishments, but they can be self-employed. This occupation also includes tutors. Demand for Other Instructors may be increasing as schools moved to virtual learning on April 20 with no word on when students will return to the classroom. With students experiencing their second year of disrupted learning, more guardians may be looking at additional instruction so their children will not fall behind. With the increasing demand of Transport Truck Drivers and Delivery and Courier Service Drivers, demand for Other Instructors could be increasing as well due to the need for more training in these areas.
The All Other Schools and Instruction sector saw a boost in hiring this month, as indicated by the top in-demand occupations list, with 112 job postings, placing it as the fourth-most in-demand hiring sector for Windsor-Essex in April 2021.
Pharmacies and Drug Stores saw an increase in hiring this month as well, from 33 job postings in March to 57 in April, likely to accommodate the increased traffic caused by making vaccines available to a wider age range.
The top hiring sectors by two-digit NAICS show a decrease in demand in Retail Trade, although it still ranks high on the list. Hiring for Retail Trade decreased 22.84% from 640 job postings in March to 521 in April. Both the Accommodation and Food Services and Manufacturing sectors, which were up last month, have decreased. Again, this is likely attributable to COVID-19 restrictions and the uncertainty of when the situation may improve. Accommodation and Food Services is down 30.98% from 241 postings in March to 184 in April. Manufacturing is down 11.07% from 552 postings in March to 497 in April. Various shutdowns at Windsor Assembly Plant and Ford’s Windsor Annex Engine Plant and Essex Engine Plant, as well as layoffs at Catalent, may have contributed to this.
As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from 14 unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.
The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.
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