Workforce WindsorEssex developed Your Job Search: Overcoming Barriers for Job-Seekers to support individuals who struggle with the process of finding a job.
Click on a section below to fast scroll to it:
- Project Overview
- Your Job Search Report
- Survey Results Used to Inform the Report
- Literature Review
- Job Fair Guides
Project Overview
We know that it may be difficult to find a job. We’ve put together this resource to help you when you are searching for employment. In this report you’ll find:
- job search tips for:
- Newcomers to Canada
- Recent Post Secondary Graduates
- Persons on Ontario Works
- Persons who are underemployed
- Success Stories from people who have accessed local employment services
- Information what Local Labour Market Information is and how you can use it in your job search
- Job Fair Guides
This project falls under the Labour Market Information and Intelligence LEPC Pillar and has been overseen by the Service Provision Working Group.
Your Job Search: Overcoming Barriers for Job-Seekers Report
Survey Results Used to Inform Your Job Search Report
When we first began this initiative, we surveyed members of our community on their experiences with searching for employment.
Literature Review
As part of our initiative focused on Barriers for Job Seekers, we completed a literature review in hopes of developing a deeper understanding of what barriers were indicated by research. Our research was targeted on four populations: newcomers, persons who are underemployed, recent graduates and persons on Ontario Works. Below are some of the highlights of our findings.
The following barriers to employment were experienced by all four populations:
- Lack of work experience
- Lack of educational qualifications
- Transportation
- Employer biases/stigmas
- Mental Health
Newcomers may face some of the following barriers:
- Having limited to access to settlement services before arrival
- Few newcomers accessing services to assist in settlement. Many rely on the personal connections they’ve established with people they can trust.
- Overqualified for work and a lack of credential recognition
- Language skills
Additionally, refugees may face some of the following barriers:
- Language Barrier
- Settlement services can take time away from job seeking
- Cannot access financial services with refugee status
- Cannot gain a driver’s license
- Difficulty to validate experiences and credentials due to a loss of records in their home countries
- Limited time for language classes, house hunting and job seeking
- Overwhelming experiences for youth who often act as the head of the household
Recent Graduates may encounter some of the following barriers:
- Lack of work experience
- Part time resulting in underemployment
- Lack of coordinated labour market information between jurisdictions and educational institutions
- Lack of employee willingness to train young/new workers
- Lack of networking skills
Persons in receipt of Ontario Works may face some of the following barriers:
- Lack of transportation which affects access to services and available jobs
- Loss of drug and dental benefits after leaving assistance if not provided by job
- Lack of childcare services
- Underemployment
For more detailed information, please read the Summary Document available for download below or contact us for the full literature review.
Job Fair Guides
As a related resource, click below to access the job fair guides for job seekers and employers.