Workforce WindsorEssex Releases EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention Toolkit – March 5, 2024
The toolkit provides recommendations for supporting ongoing and new strategies, and tangible resources for community partners to implement
Today, Workforce WindsorEssex launched its EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention Toolkit at ENWIN Utilities. This resource imparts direction for community partners and decisionmakers, providing foresight and supporting evidence to lead changes that proactively address talent development, attraction and, retention strategies for Windsor-Essex’s growing EV sector.
Supported through an Ontario Labour Market Partnership grant from the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, the resource is divided into two main components. The first is the Guide for EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention in Windsor-Essex, a data-rich report that provides recommendations for community partners to help support the ongoing growth of the region’s EV sector by providing a robust talent pipeline through talent development, attraction, and retention strategies. The second is a toolkit of resources for community partners to help support the recommendations made in the written guide. These resources are the culmination of the collaborative work and input gathered through the EV Industry Support Committee, comprised of community partners and decisionmakers representing Windsor-Essex’s EV sector.
The Guide for EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention in Windsor-Essex provides an overview of the region’s recent EV sector growth and identifies opportunities to create new and support existing talent development, attraction, and retention strategies. These strategies are aimed toward supporting a robust and available talent pipeline to sustain EV sector growth into the future. The report provides recommendations for community partners and decisionmakers to help support a sustainable EV sector talent base.
Recommendations include:
- Leveraging newcomer and immigrant populations
- Promoting women in automotive
- Increasing collaboration between industry and service providers (building more upskilling and training options and alternatives)
- Further outreach to students and parents
- Establishing effective succession planning strategies
- Greater information sharing with the community
This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
“The Windsor-Essex region is experiencing unprecedented growth in its EV sector, and we anticipate this growth to continue into the foreseeable future. To support the transition to electrification, we need to utilize our experienced automotive and workforce, as well as develop, attract, and retain talent to fill new jobs. The EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention Toolkit provides decision makers and community partners with the resources they need to help ensure we have a steady base of available and qualified talent for roles in the EV sector. Workforce WindsorEssex is pleased to release this toolkit and are excited to see how the Windsor-Essex region will evolve under the new wave of electrification.”
– Corey Shenken, Special Projects Lead, Workforce WindsorEssex
“With Windsor-Essex forecasted to have the strongest economic growth across Canada and one of the fastest growing EV supply chains in the North America, it is critical to ensure an adequate and skilled workforce to sustain the momentum. Workforce WindsorEssex’s new EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction and Retention Toolkit equips our community with data-rich insights and tangible resources that foster collaboration and informed decision-making toward workforce development. This toolkit complements the regional talent strategy and will help empower our workforce to support the cutting-edge world of electric vehicle production.”
– Jessica McCarthy, Talent Attraction Specialist, Invest WindsorEssex
“As Ontario leads the world in electric vehicles and advanced manufacturing, our government is proud to work with our partners to ensure workers have the opportunities and skills to thrive in this rapidly growing sector. That is why we’re supporting Workforce WindsorEssex, through an Ontario Labour Market Partnership grant, to create a guide and toolkit to help attract, retain, and develop skilled workers for well-paying, in-demand careers.”
– Hon. David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
“La région de Windsor-Essex connaît une croissance sans précédent dans son secteur des véhicules électriques, et nous anticipons que cette croissance se poursuivra dans un avenir prévisible. Pour soutenir la transition vers l’électrification, nous devons utiliser notre main-d’œuvre et notre expertise automobile expérimentées, ainsi que développer, attirer et fidéliser les talents nécessaires pour pourvoir de nouveaux emplois. La trousse de développement, d’attraction et de rétention des talents du secteur des véhicules électriques fournit aux décideurs et aux partenaires communautaires les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour s’assurer que nous disposons d’une base stable de talents disponibles et qualifiés pour les postes dans le secteur des véhicules électriques. Workforce WindsorEssex est heureux de mettre à disposition cette trousse à outils et est enthousiaste à l’idée de voir comment la région de Windsor-Essex évoluera sous la nouvelle vague d’électrification.”
– Corey Shenken, Special Projects Lead, Workforce WindsorEssex
“Avec Windsor-Essex prévu d’avoir la croissance économique la plus forte à travers le Canada et l’une des chaînes d’approvisionnement de véhicules électriques à la croissance la plus rapide en Amérique du Nord, il est crucial de veiller à disposer d’une main-d’œuvre adéquate et qualifiée pour soutenir cet élan. Le nouveau « EV Sector Talent Development, Attraction and Retention Toolkit » de Workforce WindsorEssex dote notre communauté d’informations riches en données et de ressources tangibles qui favorisent la collaboration et la prise de décision éclairée en matière de développement de la main-d’œuvre. Cet ensemble d’outils complète la stratégie de talent régionale et contribuera à habiliter notre main-d’œuvre à soutenir le monde innovant de la production de véhicules électriques.”
– Jessica McCarthy, Talent Attraction Specialist, Invest WindsorEssex
“Bien que l’Ontario soit en tête dans le monde en matière de véhicules électriques et de fabrication avancée, notre gouvernement est fier de collaborer avec nos partenaires pour garantir aux travailleurs les opportunités et les compétences nécessaires pour prospérer dans ce secteur en croissance rapide. C’est pourquoi nous soutenons Workforce WindsorEssex, grâce à une subvention du partenariat du marché du travail de l’Ontario, afin de créer un guide et une boîte à outils visant à attirer, retenir et développer des travailleurs qualifiés pour des carrières bien rémunérées et en demande.”
– Hon. David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Quick Facts/Links:
- The Windsor-Essex EV Sector Talent Attraction and Retention Toolkit, including A Guide to Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention for Windsor-Essex’s EV Sector can be accessed at
Media Contact:
Lindsey Rivait
Executive Liaison
Workforce WindsorEssex
About Workforce WindsorEssex:
Workforce WindsorEssex is a workforce and community development board whose mission is to lead regional employment and community planning for the development of a strong and sustainable workforce.
Workforce WindsorEssex is an experienced leader in the development of regional labour market tools, research, guides, and events that create positive change in the local labour market while saving others time and effort. These resources, created in close coordination with employment, education, and industry partners, are designed to help jobseekers, employers, students, and educators, as well as the community, make more informed labour market decisions using locally-responsive, data-rich, and unbiased resources. To learn more about Workforce WindsorEssex and view our tools and resources, visit
À propos de Workforce WindsorEssex:
Workforce WindsorEssex est une organisation à but non-lucratif dont sa mission est de diriger la planification de l’emploi et le développement communautaire avec l’objectif d’assurer une main-d’œuvre solide et durable.
Workforce WindsorEssex est leader expérimenté dans le développement d’outils, de recherches, de guides et d’événements sur le marché du travail créant des changements positifs qui font gagner de l’argent et du temps. Ces ressources, crées en coordination avec les partenaires en emploi, en éducation et en industrie, ont pour but d’aider les demandeurs d’emploi, les employeurs, les élèves, les éducateurs, et la communauté, à prendre des décisions plus informées sur le marché du travail en utilisant des outils impartiaux, riches en données et adaptés aux besoins locaux. Pour apprendre d’avantage de Workforce WindsorEssex, et pour engager avec nos outils et ressources, visitez