Workforce WindsorEssex Releases Electronic Vehicle (EV) Career Pathways Resource – December 7, 2023
For Immediate Release
December 7, 2023
Windsor, ON – Today, Workforce WindsorEssex, launched its EV Career Pathways Resource, at Unifor Local 195’s Action Centre. This resource provides a roadmap for workers interested in transitioning from traditional automotive jobs supporting internal combustion engine vehicles (ICE-V) to rewarding careers in our region’s growing electric vehicle (EV) industry, leveraging their transferable skillsets. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
Supported through an Ontario Labour Market Partnership grant from the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development, the resource is organized into five major categories (manufacturing, maintenance, scientific research, design and development, and infrastructure) and outlines 61 specific career pathways for individuals with automotive knowledge and experience. Examples of these transitions include:
- Assembly Line Worker transitioning to:
- EV Assembly Technician
- Battery Pack Assembly Operator
- EV Quality Control Inspector
- Machinist transitioning to:
- Electric Motor Manufacturing Technician
- Battery Pack Manufacturing Specialist
- Charging Infrastructure Manufacturing Technician
The EV Career Pathways Resource benefits individuals who wish to change careers by highlighting upskilling opportunities, identifying transferable skills, and more. It will also benefit government, community planning, economic development, industry, education, employment and settlement services, community organizations, and others supporting the region’s EV sector.
As part of this project, a user dashboard tool has been developed for, an online EV worker registry website. This tool is designed to provide and alternative overview of user demographics and interests, offering high level insights into the individuals who have created accounts on the site. It will aggregate information from user profiles and interactions, presenting data on top occupations of interest, top user skills, age breakdown, gender breakdown, language comprehension, EV or related experience, industry experience, occupational experience, and education background. serves as a platform to connect with local and out-of-region talent interested in the Windsor-Essex EV industry and was officially launched on November 15, 2023.
Unifor, a strong advocate for workers in Windsor-Essex, is hosting the launch event at their Action Centre for laid-off workers, demonstrating their continued commitment to supporting the region’s workforce during this transformative period.
Workforce WindsorEssex remains committed to closely monitoring EV sector developments and providing valuable information through reports, tools, and other resources to support our workforce’s transition to jobs in the electric vehicle sector.
“As a region, we must take advantage of the talent and skills we have here in our own backyard to help support a growing EV sector. The EV Career Pathways Resource presents an opportunity for our qualified automotive workforce in Windsor-Essex to make the leap to EV related careers by providing suggestions for traditional automotive careers to effectively transition to EV careers. Workforce WindsorEssex is pleased to be at the Unifor Local 195 Action Centre today to launch this resource.”
Corey Shenken, Special Projects Lead, Workforce WindsorEssex
“Embracing the future of mobility is not just about building electric vehicles; it’s about empowering our workforce to seamlessly transition from traditional automotive manufacturing to the cutting-edge world of electric vehicle production. Workforce WindsorEssex’s new EV Career Pathways Resource is a game-changer, providing the roadmap and resources for our talented workforce to lead the charge in the EV revolution. With many local partners at the table, this report will inform talent initiatives across the region. Together, we’ll drive innovation and sustain economic prosperity in Windsor-Essex.”
Stephen MacKenzie, President & CEO, Invest WindsorEssex
“The shift to electric vehicle (EV) production is a big part of the future for the automotive industry in Canada, with many meaningful employment opportunities becoming available in the region of Windsor-Essex. The EV Career Pathways Resource being launched today at the Unifor Local 195 Action Centre will provide important information to laid-off Syncreon employees as well as other Unifor members looking for job transition opportunities. The Action Centre, Unifor Local 195, and Unifor National are excited for today’s launch with thanks to Workforce Windsor-Essex for establishing it.”
Lana Payne, President, Unifor National
<< En tant que région, nous devons tirer parti des talents et compétences que nous avons ici, dans notre propre cour arrière, pour soutenir le secteur croissant des véhicules électriques. La ressource des parcours professionnels liés aux véhicules électriques offre une opportunité à notre main-d’œuvre qualifiée dans le secteur automobile à Windsor-Essex de faire le saut vers des carrières liées aux véhicules électriques en fournissant des suggestions pour une transition efficace des carrières automobiles traditionnelles vers des carrières liées aux véhicules électriques. Workforce WindsorEssex est heureux d’être au centre d’action de l’Unifor Local 195 aujourd’hui pour lancer cette ressource. >>
Corey Shenken, Special Projects Lead, Workforce WindsorEssex
<< Adopter l’avenir de la mobilité ne se résume pas uniquement à la fabrication de véhicules électriques ; il s’agit d’autonomiser notre main-d’œuvre pour une transition fluide de la fabrication automobile traditionnelle vers le monde avant-gardiste de la production de véhicules électriques. La nouvelle ressource des parcours professionnels liés aux véhicules électriques de Workforce WindsorEssex change la donne en fournissant la feuille de route et les ressources nécessaires à notre main-d’œuvre talentueuse pour prendre la tête de la révolution des véhicules électriques. Avec de nombreux partenaires locaux impliqués, ce rapport orientera les initiatives en matière de talents dans toute la région. Ensemble, nous stimulerons l’innovation et maintiendrons la prospérité économique à Windsor-Essex. >>
Stephen MacKenzie, President & CEO, Invest WindsorEssex
<< La transition vers la production de véhicules électriques (VE) constitue une part importante de l’avenir de l’industrie automobile au Canada, avec de nombreuses opportunités d’emploi significatives qui se présentent dans la région de Windsor-Essex. La ressource des parcours professionnels liés aux véhicules électriques lancée aujourd’hui au centre d’action de l’Unifor Local 195 fournira des informations importantes aux employés de Syncreon licenciés ainsi qu’aux autres membres de l’Unifor à la recherche d’opportunités de transition professionnelle. Le centre d’action, l’Unifor Local 195 et l’Unifor National sont enthousiastes à l’idée du lancement d’aujourd’hui, avec des remerciements à Workforce Windsor-Essex pour l’avoir mis en place. >>
Lana Payne, President, Unifor National
Quick Facts/Links:
- The EV Career Pathways webpage resource can be accessed at
- The EV Career Pathways downloadable PDF career transition can be accessed at
Media Contact:
Lindsey Rivait
Executive Liaison
Workforce WindsorEssex
About Workforce WindsorEssex
Workforce WindsorEssex is a workforce and community development board whose mission is to lead regional employment and community planning for the development of a strong and sustainable workforce.
Workforce WindsorEssex is an experienced leader in the development of regional labour market tools, research, guides, and events that create positive change in the local labour market while saving others time and effort. These resources, created in close coordination with employment, education, and industry partners, are designed to help jobseekers, employers, students, and educators, as well as the community, make more informed labour market decisions using locally-responsive, data-rich, and unbiased resources. To learn more about Workforce WindsorEssex and view our tools and resources, visit
À propos de Workforce WindsorEssex
Workforce WindsorEssex est une organisation à but non-lucratif dont sa mission est de diriger la planification de l’emploi et le développement communautaire avec l’objectif d’assurer une main-d’œuvre solide et durable.
Workforce WindsorEssex est leader expérimenté dans le développement d’outils, de recherches, de guides et d’événements sur le marché du travail créant des changements positifs qui font gagner de l’argent et du temps. Ces ressources, crées en coordination avec les partenaires en emploi, en éducation et en industrie, ont pour but d’aider les demandeurs d’emploi, les employeurs, les élèves, les éducateurs, et la communauté, à prendre des décisions plus informées sur le marché du travail en utilisant des outils impartiaux, riches en données et adaptés aux besoins locaux. Pour apprendre d’avantage de Workforce WindsorEssex, et pour engager avec nos outils et ressources, visitez