Workforce WindsorEssex Releases 2023-24 Local Labour Market Plan – February 13, 2024
New report provides overview of community and workforce trends, highlights recommendations for improved use of services and collaboration to better serve jobseekers and employers

Today, Workforce WindsorEssex, the region’s workforce and community planning board, launched the 2023-2024 Local Labour Market Plan (LLMP), which provides a detailed analysis of labour market statistics and offers practical recommendations on how to grow the region’s workforce.

This data-rich report outlines successes and opportunities related to local labour market conditions, providing partners in government, community planning, economic development, industry, education, employment and settlement services, community organizations, and others insights into how challenges can be overcome.

Some key challenges include the increased need for newcomer-focused supports in our community, the continuing skilled trades worker and instructor shortage, as well improved support for students and jobseekers to make informed career decisions throughout their career journey.

Some opportunities and recommendations from the report include:

  • Create internal pathways for growth and mentorship programs that facilitate and expedite advancement for new hires.
  • Develop streamlined resources and services to support HR workers from both small and large companies to better take advantage of government and community funding and resources.
  • Improve education to skilled trades employers on the resources and supports that are available to them and could improve their attraction and retention of new employees, including women, newcomers, and youth.
  • Encourage Service Providing Organizations and employers to collaborate to promote careers in the Tourism and Hospitality sector.

The 2023-2024 LLMP provides an update on the local labour market, including information on demographics, the labour force, Employment Ontario services, and industry in Windsor-Essex, following a detailed review and analysis of available data from Statistics Canada, Employment Ontario, Lightcast, and online job postings, as well as employer surveys and consultations conducted by Workforce WindsorEssex. By examining this data, Workforce WindsorEssex was able to showcase the current state of the local labour market in Windsor-Essex, detailing trends, challenges, and opportunities related to the labour market in our region.

The 2023-2024 LLMP can be accessed at

Workforce WindsorEssex will also be hosting the Local Labour Market Community Action Planning event in person. Report authors will provide a detailed walkthrough of the 2023-2024 LLMP and participants will engage in an open discussion on the findings to identify opportunities to better support the available and future workforce.

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.


“Workforce WindsorEssex looks forward to collaborating with the community on this important work as we better position the region to take advantage not only of its economic growth, but its economic potential.

– Tashlyn Teskey, Manager of Research Projects, Workforce WindsorEssex

“Workforce WindsorEssex a hâte de collaborer avec la communauté sur ce travail afin de mieux positionner la région pour prendre avantage de non seulement sa croissance économique mais aussi de son potentiel.

– Tashlyn Teskey, Manager of Research Projects, Workforce WindsorEssex

Quick Facts/Links:

Media Contact:

Lindsey Rivait
Executive Liaison
Workforce WindsorEssex

About Workforce WindsorEssex:

Workforce WindsorEssex is a workforce and community development board whose mission is to lead regional employment and community planning for the development of a strong and sustainable workforce.

Workforce WindsorEssex is an experienced leader in the development of regional labour market tools, research, guides, and events that create positive change in the local labour market while saving others time and effort. These resources, created in close coordination with employment, education, and industry partners, are designed to help jobseekers, employers, students, and educators, as well as the community, make more informed labour market decisions using locally-responsive, data-rich, and unbiased resources. To learn more about Workforce WindsorEssex and view our tools and resources, visit

À propos de Workforce WindsorEssex

Workforce WindsorEssex est une organisation à but non-lucratif dont sa mission est de diriger la planification de l’emploi et le développement communautaire avec l’objectif d’assurer une main-d’œuvre solide et durable.

Workforce WindsorEssex est leader expérimenté dans le développement d’outils, de recherches, de guides et d’événements sur le marché du travail créant des changements positifs qui font gagner de l’argent et du temps. Ces ressources, crées en coordination avec les partenaires en emploi, en éducation et en industrie, ont pour but d’aider les demandeurs d’emploi, les employeurs, les élèves, les éducateurs, et la communauté, à prendre des décisions plus informées sur le marché du travail en utilisant des outils impartiaux, riches en données et adaptés aux besoins locaux. Pour apprendre d’avantage de Workforce WindsorEssex, et pour engager avec nos outils et ressources, visitez