On Tuesday, January 23rd, Collège Boréal organized an on-farm Lunch and Learn information session at Truly Green Farms in Chatham! Staff were invited to attend a presentation from Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) focused on heat stress and weather safety, giving some tips for both working in heat and avoiding heat stress in the greenhouse, as well as preparing for cold Canadian winters outside of work. Staff received various informational materials covering these topics for future reference, along with winter gear kits including hats, gloves, jackets, and safety vests. Lunch was also provided for all attendees of the session.
The Lunch and Learn included a presentation from our TeaMWork Project Liaison, covering some of the supports that the Migrant Worker Support Program offers in Chatham-Kent, and some of the key locations and resources that Migrant Workers in Chatham should be aware of how to access.
We also had the pleasure to welcome ESDC’s Senior Program Development Officer at the session for her Activity Monitor of the Migrant Worker Support Program, overseeing some of the positive impact we’ve been able to have in the community.
Click below to download a PDF of the success story or to view the Facebook post.