Top Occupations by Municipality
As different municipalities have their own signature industries, the employment opportunities can vary across Windsor and Essex County. While Tecumseh employment opportunities fall mostly within skilled trades and manufacturing, Amherstburg employment often falls within sales and service.
Below is the breakdown of the top occupations and sectors in each municipality of Windsor-Essex.
There were 3027 jobs posted in Windsor in August. The majority of the jobs were in sales and service (911 jobs) and trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (525 jobs).
There were 174 jobs posted in Tecumseh. The majority of jobs were available in trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (48 jobs) and sales and service occupations (39). There were also 32 jobs posted in manufacturing and utilities.
There were 76 jobs posted in LaSalle in August. The majority of job were posted in sales and service (26 jobs) and education, law and social, community and government services (10 jobs) and in trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (10 jobs).
There were 90 jobs posted in Lakeshore. The majority of jobs were in in trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (20 jobs) and business finance and administration (19 jobs).
There were 128 jobs posted in Essex. Like many of the municipalities, the majority of jobs were in sales and service (49 jobs) and trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (32 jobs).
There were 96 jobs posted in Amherstburg. The majority of jobs were available in sales and service (31 jobs) and trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (18 jobs) and education, law and social, community and government services (18 jobs).
There were 268 jobs posted in Kingsville. The majority of jobs were available in natural resources, agriculture and related production (71 jobs) and business, finance and administration (55 jobs). Many of these jobs are likely in the agriculture sector.
There were 453 jobs posted in Leamington in August. The majority of jobs were available in trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations (98 jobs) and natural resources, agriculture and related production (90 jobs).
The findings of this report were sourced from:
About this report:
As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from 14 unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.
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