Labour Market Insights
Rising In-Demand Occupations in Windsor-Essex for March 2020
With unusual circumstances affecting not only Windsor-Essex, but the world, with a global pandemic, we’re looking at rising in-demand occupations in the region for the month of March 2020.
Users were down 18.6% from 7,861 in February 2020 to 6,401 in March 2020. This could be caused by a decrease in job postings over the previous month (2,025 new job postings in February versus 1,740 in March for a decrease of 16.31%) due to COVID-19.
Of those searching the Job Board, 16.5 % were 15-24 years old, 17.8% were 25-34, 23.6% were 35-54, 6.7% were 55-64, 0.7% were 65-74. A total of 34.5% did not note their age.
The top five occupations receiving the most interactions for March were: Retail Salesperson (719 interactions), Administrative Assistants (454), Cooks (420), Delivery and Courier Service Drivers (332), and Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations (325). This is fairly consistent with the previous month, except for the rise in searches for Delivery and Courier Service Drivers, which was the #12 occupation with 288 interactions in February
The interest in Deliver and Courier Service Drivers may be caused by the rise in delivery services in grocery stores, take out restaurants, and other businesses looking to deliver goods to their customers in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information on, and active job postings for, Delivery and Courier Service Drivers, please visit WEdata Careers.
Job postings for Delivery and Courier Service Drivers increased as well, from 64 in February to 74 in March. The top ten in-demand occupations are fairly consistent from the previous month, with the exception of the uptick in Delivery and Courier Service Drivers.
While not in the top ten, the demand for Store Shelf Stockers, Clerks and Order Fillers increased significantly over the previous month, from #28 in February with 34 postings to #13 in March with 50 postings for an increase of 47.06%.
For more information on, and active job postings for, Store Shelf Stockers, Clerks and Order Fillers, please visit WEdata Careers.
As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from 14 unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.
The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.
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