Project Overview

Workforce WindsorEssex will create a best practice guide about undertaking quarterly surveying of employers.

Workforce WindsorEssex asks employers to complete surveys each quarter to help improve the access to and quality of the region’s labour market information. We look at the local demand side of our workforce through surveying local employers to understand in-demand occupations, hard-to-fill positions, and skills to fill these jobs. Following the conclusion of each survey, a bulletin with the findings is released to the public and is available on the Workforce WindsorEssex website. The quarterly employer survey guide is a resource to aid those wishing to undertake employer surveys in their community and includes information on creating survey questions, designing the survey, marketing the survey, analyzing responses, and sharing results.


Project Status – COMPLETED

We have written a benefits guide on effective labour market information collection through quarterly surveys. This guide is a compilation of best survey practices including creating questions, designing the survey, marketing the survey to employers, analyzing responses, and sharing results. It is a useful resource for those who have never created a survey and for seasoned professionals who are looking for further survey options and strategies.



To view all of the Quarterly Survey Bulletins since 2016, visit the Quarterly Surveys and Bulletins page below: