Objectifs d’apprentissage
À la fin de cette partie, les jeunes seront en mesure de :
- Évaluer les carrières pour lesquelles ils ont de l’intérêt, grâce à ce qu’ils ont appris sur eux-mêmes.
- Faire une recherche approfondie sur les quelques carrières qu’ils considèrent comme intéressantes pour eux.
- Apprendre les exigences de formation académique et d’expérience requise pour ces carrières.
- Apprendre comment trouver les informations sur les études, formations et expériences requises.
- Découvrir les autres carrières qu’ils pourraient poursuivre avec les études, les formations, l’expérience et les compétences qu’ils vont acquérir.
- Apprendre les avantages de l’apprentissage expérientiel et son importance dans le cheminement de carrière.
- Apprendre comment obtenir et mener une entrevue d’information.
- Mener une entrevue d’information.
Documents d’animation
Documents de l’étudiant
RESSOUrCES supplémentaires
Procédures de demande / transition
Ontario Colleges Information for Ontario colleges including programs, applications procedures, etc. Youth can search for a program to see where it is offered.
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre Information for Canadian Universities and application procedures.
Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities This Ontario website is a fantastic resource that offers advice and support for students with disabilities (it’s great information for students without disabilities as well) who are transitioning into post-secondary education. There is advice for parents and counsellors as well.
Navigation de carrière
What can I do with a Degree in… (Simon Fraser University) Youth can explore opportunities that various degrees can lead to.
What can I do with a Major in…(MyPlan.com) Youth can explore opportunities that various degrees can lead to.
Academic Invest This Canadian website includes information about what students and graduates can do with their careers in various subjects and majors.
CanLearn and Yconic Youth can find information on education and training as well as the associated costs.
Alternate Financing (Scholarships Canada) Provides information on post-secondary financing options.
OSAP Information (Government of Canada) Describes OSAP and includes information such as applications, paying it back, etc. Another Government OSAP site can be found here.
Start an Apprenticeship (Ontario Ministry of Education, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, 2014). This document outlines “…information about eligibility requirements, selection processes, benefits to students, and funding arrangements related to the various secondary school programs that, together or separately, comprise a pathway to apprenticeship”.
Recherche sur l’apprentissage par l’expérience
Experiential Learning Report: Bringing Life to Learning at Ontario Universities (Council of Ontario Universities, 2014). This report outlines the benefits of experiential learning for students, employers, and the workforce, and highlights some experiential learning opportunities in various Ontario Universities. You can also find a fact sheet summarizing some of the information here.
Study suggests experiential learning provides increased student engagement along with higher workload (academica group). Summarizes a report on the benefits of experiential learning.
Experiential Learning Learning Beyond the Classroom (Ontario Ministry of Education). This page has information on experiential learning. It also contains information on the types of experiential learning in an information page found here.
The Secret To Getting A Job After College: Pick A University That Offers Experiential Learning (Forbes, Amy Rees Anderson, August 6, 2015). This article discusses the importance of experiential learning for students as well as employers.
Outils d’apprentissage par l’expérience
VIP-Community Service Learning is a service offered at the University of Windsor for current students looking to get involved in their community with a non-profit or publicly funded organization in exchange for career-readiness skills.
OYAP.com This website describes the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program as well as information on occupations in the trades and on apprenticeships.
wevolunteer.ca On this website, youth will find volunteering opportunities in Windsor-Essex. They can search opportunities by a number of factors (skills they want to develop, location, populations they want to work with, etc.).
Développement professionnel
Career Exploration: How to Setup an Informational Interview Video (study.com) A video on setting up informational interviews.
4 Ways You Can Make Your Informational Interviews a Little Less Awkward (The Muse, Kat Boogaard). This article gives advice on how to execute an effective and smooth informational interview.
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Professional LinkedIn Profile looks at how social networking can be used to your advantage in standing out above others. This read breaks down how to build a LinkedIn profile step-by-step.
How to Set Up a Professional Twitter Profile provides insight on how the realm of Twitter can connect you to various professional development opportunities in your area.
Pour suggérer des nouvelles ressources ou des modifications, veuillez contacter info@workforcewindsoressex.com
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