Windsor-Essex County, Ontario – Friday, October 6, 2017 – To recognize Manufacturing Day on Friday, October 6, 2017 the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation in partnership with Workforce WindsorEssex, the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board, Greater Essex County District School Board, Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence, St. Clair College-Skilled Trades Regional Training Centre along with regional employers coordinated activities today for 604 students from local schools to tour manufacturing facilities in Windsor-Essex.
Local manufacturing employers recognize the benefits of opening their doors to students and educators as it highlights and brings to the forefront the many great careers and opportunities that exist in manufacturing in Windsor and Essex County. The companies participating this year are: Anchor Danly; A.V. Gauge &Fixtures; Cavalier Tool and Manufacturing; JD Norman Industries; Laval International; Leggett & Platt Automotive Group (Schukra); Radix; Reko International Group Inc; Select Tool; Toolplas; UE Enclosures and Windsor Mold Group.
Marcel Simard Grade 11 Student, Belle River District High School said, “Participating in the tours let us see hands-on what the workplace was like and it has changed my mind about the manufacturing industry. I noticed how clean the manufacturing industry is and before this, I envisioned a dark, dirty old factory but after touring I realized it was the opposite. I didn’t have a feel of the industry so it was helpful for me to see it in action like the process of how they machined parts and I really liked seeing how “hi tech” the equipment was. Basically, I feel it opened another door for me because manufacturing really wasn’t on my radar and now I think it could be a post-secondary option for me.”
Stephen MacKenzie, CEO of the WindsorEssex Economic Development said, “Manufacturing is a career full of innovative and technological opportunities and hosting manufacturing day that brings students and our manufacturers together reinforces the message first-hand to the students about the importance of this sector to our local economy. This annual program helps to change the perception of students, their parents or guardians about having a career in manufacturing.”
“Manufacturing Day is effective at helping young people explore new career opportunities, including careers in skilled trades. With 30,000 people employed in manufacturing in Windsor-Essex and a projected growth of 3% over the next 5 years (almost 800 new jobs), we need to continue to provide more experiential learning opportunities like this, before young people graduate and choose a career path.” Added Michelle Suchiu, Executive Director, Workforce WindsorEssex
Media contacts
WE EDC – Lana Drouillard, Director Marketing & Communications 519 259-9600
WFWE – Justin Falconer, Manager of Communications & Government Partnerships 519 980-5826