Labour Market Insights

Upward Trends in Construction and Manufacturing: Top Occupations and In-Demand Jobs for Windsor-Essex for March 2023

As the region looks forward to warmer months and mild weather ahead, both the job search and job demand activities in Windsor-Essex reflect this. We are examining some of the in-demand sectors in Windsor-Essex for March 2023, including Manufacturing, Health Care and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Services, and Construction.

March saw 6,330 total active job postings from 2,077 companies for an increase of 4.7% over the previous month’s 6,048 total active job postings. The Job Board and Job Map received 29,338 interactions from 6,997 users (a user increase of 9.7% over the previous month).

The top 15 searched-for occupations overall in Windsor-Essex for March 2023 were:

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To learn more about the occupations listed in these tables, visit the Career Library.

With an increase in users and interactions on the Job Board and Job Map in March, came increases in interest for certain occupations overall in Windsor-Essex. The following occupations saw the most significant increases in interest in March as compared to February: Material Handlers (up 36.5%); Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations (up 34.8%); Retail Salespersons (up 29.4%); Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities (up 25.1%); Receptionists (up 17.6%); and Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers (up 16.1%).

While Retail Salespersons saw a significant increase in interactions, Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers saw a 22.8% decrease over the previous month.

The top 15 searched-for occupations by men in Windsor-Essex for March 2023 were:

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The top 15 searched-for occupations by women in Windsor-Essex for March 2023 were:

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The top 20 in-demand occupations by local employers for March 2023 were:

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Just as interactions with the occupation were up, total active job postings for Retail Salespersons were up 13.5% in March as compared to February. Other in-demand occupations that saw an increase in total active job postings in March as compared to February include: Food Service Supervisors (up 35.4%); Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations (up 25.2%); Security Guards and Related Security Service Occupations (up 18.5%); Transport Truck Drivers (up 18.1%); Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities (up 16.5%); and Janitors, Caretakers and Building Superintendents (up 16.1%).

Although job postings were up overall in the Manufacturing sector in March as compared to February (as we will dive into more below) and also up for Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities; job postings for Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors were down 22.0% in March as compared to February.

Hiring by 2-Digit NAICS:

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In looking at Hiring by 2-Digit NAICS, we can see some increases in hiring activity among certain sector in Windsor-Essex.

Hiring in Manufacturing has been on an upward trend since December 2022, with 795 total active job postings in the sector for March, up 8.3% from 734 in February.

We also saw increases in demand in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector with 766 total active job postings in March, up 2.1% from 750 in February.

The Accommodation and Food Services sector has also been on an upward trend locally in terms of in-demand jobs. March saw 361 total active job postings for the sector, up 12.5% from 321 in February. This could be due to establishments looking to add to their staff in anticipation of warmer weather, patio season, and tourism ramping up.

Construction saw a jump in demand, with 278 total active job postings in March, up 33.0% from 209 in February. This is the highest number of total active job postings for the Construction sector in Windsor-Essex that we have on record since we began tracking this data in October 2019. The previous record was 260 total active job postings in March 2022.

Hiring by 6-Digit NAICS:

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Looking at hiring by 6-digit NAICS, we can drill down more on what types of employers are hiring in Windsor-Essex.

In the Manufacturing, we saw increases in the number of total active job postings for Automobile and Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (up 28.6% from 77 total active job postings in February to 99 in March), All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing (up 17.0% from 53 total active job postings in February to 62 in March), and Cutlery and Hand Tool Manufacturing (up 7.3% from 69 total active job postings in February to 74 in March). Job postings for Industrial Mould Manufacturing were down 11.4% (from 105 total active job postings in February to 93 in March).

In Health Care and Social Assistance, total active job postings increased for General (Except Paediatric) Hospitals (up 7.6% from 145 total active job postings in February to 156 in March), Community Health Centres (up 1.8% from 57 total active job postings in February to 58 in March), and Offices of Dentists (up 32.6% from 43 total active job postings in February to 57 in March). Job postings for Nursing Care Facilities were down 6.7% (from 105 total active job postings in February to 98 in March).

Accommodation and Food Services saw total active job postings increase for Limited-Service Eating Places (up 18.2% from 132 total active job postings in February to 156 in March) and Full-Service Restaurants (up 9.2% from 119 total active job postings in February to 130 in March).

Construction is down a little further on the list at the 22nd spot, with 55 total active job postings in March for Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. This is up 31.0% from 42 total active job postings in February. It was reported on March 7 that the region is expected to have a record year in 2023 in terms of construction. Various projects were cited, including the Gordie Howe bridge, NextStar battery plant, Windsor Assembly, and some additional infrastructure for the Herb Gray Parkway (Windsor Star).



As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.


The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.

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