Labour Market Insights

Increases in Job Postings for Construction, Manufacturing, and Accommodation and Food Services: Top Occupations and In-Demand Jobs for Windsor-Essex for March 2022

March saw many public health measures rescinded, including the lifting of mandatory proof of vaccination for many establishments (although businesses may choose to continue proof of vaccination). As of March 21, mandatory masking requirements were lifted in most settings, with the exception of public transit, healthcare settings, long-term care homes, and congregate care settings. As the province entered the sixth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic this month, we can expect to see how this impacts the occupations jobseekers are searching for and the in-demand occupations employers are looking to hire.

March saw 6,753 total active job postings from 2,014 companies for an increase of 14.2% over the previous month’s 5,916 total active job postings. The Job Board and Job Map received 25,682 interactions from 4,560 users (a user decrease of 28.3% from the previous month).

The top 15 searched-for occupations overall in Windsor-Essex for March 2022 were:

To learn more about the occupations listed in these tables, visit the Career Library.

As the public health measures that were in place since March 2020 have largely been lifted, we can see the impact on certain occupations and sectors. For instance, interactions with Food and Beverage Servers occupations increased 37.7% in March over the previous month. We also see interactions for Cooks increased 13.2% and Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations increased 12.3%.

Searches for Social and Community Service Workers also saw a significant increase in interactions in March as compared to the previous month (up 30.6%). Social and Community Service Workers administer and implement a variety of social assistance programs and community services. They also assist clients in dealing with personal and social problems. Social and Community Service Workers are employed by social services and government agencies, mental health agencies, group homes, shelters, substance abuse centres, school boards, correctional facilities, and other establishments.

The top 15 searched-for occupations by men in Windsor-Essex for March 2022 were:

The top 15 searched-for occupations by women in Windsor-Essex for March 2022 were:

The top 20 in-demand occupations by local employers for March 2022 were:

Here we see the increase in demand for occupations in the Accommodation and Food Services sector, with a 32.7% increase in demand for Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations and a 24.7% increase in demand for Cooks.

Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations are also in demand, with job postings for this occupation increasing 41.2% in March over the previous month.

Job postings for Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities also increased significantly, up 72.5% in March over the previous month. This occupation includes labourers not elsewhere classified who perform material handling, clean-up, packaging, and other elemental activities in processing, manufacturing, and utilities. Regional employers that hire Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities include TRQSS Inc., Dayus Register & Grille, and Klinec Manufacturing Limited.

Looking at the top hiring sectors by 6-digit NAICS, we can see more specifically where the demand for Accommodation and Food Services occupations comes from, with job postings for Full-Service Restaurants up 35.1% from 114 postings in February to 154 postings in March and Limited-Service Eating Places up 46.3% from 80 postings in February to 117 postings in March.

Job postings for the Accommodation and Food Services sector increased 48.3% in March for 350 total active job postings over the previous month’s 236.


Job postings for the Health Care and Social Assistance sector increased 11.3% from 567 total active job postings in February to 631 in March. Job postings for Nursing Care Facilities are up 8% from 88 postings in February to 95 postings in March. Postings for General (Except Paediatric) Hospitals is up 34.3% from 70 postings in February to 94 postings in March.

Job postings are up 10.5% in the Manufacturing sector, from 755 job postings in February to 834 in March. Gains here can be seen specifically in Industrial Mould Manufacturing (up 16.8% from 107 postings in February to 125 in March), Automobile and Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (up 5.9% from 101 postings in February to 107 postings in March), and Cutlery and Hand Tool Manufacturing (up 1.5% from 69 postings in February to 70 postings in March).

Job postings increased 36.1% for the Construction sector, from 191 job postings in February to 260 job postings in March. According to the Municipal Property Assessment Corp’s annual statistics, Windsor ranked second for the number of residential building permits issued in Southwestern Ontario in 2021, which was an increase of 13% over the previous year (1,209 permits in 2020 as compared to 1,370 permits in 2021).

The above table of job postings by two-digit NAICS highlights the top hiring sectors in the Windsor-Essex region.

While it may be an unpopular statement, the pandemic is not over and the workforce will continue to see changes– both from the impacts of public health measures and the changes in lifestyle and priorities for jobseekers and customers.




As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from 14 unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.


The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.

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