Labour Market Insights

In-Demand Skills, Key Job Requirements, and Who is Hiring: Top Occupations and In-Demand Jobs for Windsor-Essex for July 2023

For July 2023, we’re taking a look not only at what users are searching for on the Job Board and what employers are posting as in-demand occupations for the region, we’re also examining what skills could help jobseekers stand out in the crowd.

In July, there were 5,617 total active job postings from 1,872 companies for a decrease of 3% from the previous month’s 5,802 total active job postings. This is also down 12.5% from 6,435 total active job postings from the same time last year. July 2023 also saw a 11% decrease in new job postings this month over the previous month (with 2,947 new jobs posted in the month of July 2023, which is also down 18.8% from 3,631 new job postings from July 2022). The Job Board received 21,417 job post clicks (down 9% from the previous month).

The top 15 searched-for occupations overall in Windsor-Essex for July 2023 on the Job Board were:

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These numbers are specific to the Job Board. To learn more about the occupations listed in these tables, visit the Career Library.

Quite a few occupations saw a significant increase in interactions from users overall in July as compared to June, including Receptionists (up 68.9%); Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing (up 45.3%); Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Support Occupations (up 37.2%); Cashiers (up 29.0%); and Janitors, Caretakers and Building Superintendents (up 13.2%).

Some occupations saw significant decreases in interactions, most notably Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations (down 28.4%) and Social and Community Service Workers (down 16.4%).

The top 20 in-demand occupations by local employers for July 2023 were:

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Job postings for the top 20 in-demand occupations did not change as drastically in July as compared to June, with the most notable increases in Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing (up 10.2%); Administrative Officers (up 6.8%); and Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers (up 5.5%). Typically not on the list of the top in-demand occupations for Windsor-Essex, Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers inspect, diagnose, repair, and service mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems and components of cars, buses, and light and commercial transport trucks. They are employed by motor vehicle dealers, garages, truck and trailer dealerships, fleet maintenance companies, service stations, automotive specialty shops, transportation companies, and retail establishments which have automotive service shops. This also includes mechanical repairers who perform major repairs and replacement of mechanical units on newly assembled motor vehicles. They are employed by motor vehicle manufacturing companies. Regional employers for Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers include The Corporation of the City of Windsor, Waste Connections of Canada Inc., U-Haul, Kal Tire, and AutoCanada.

Occupations that saw a significant decrease in job postings in July as compared to June include Cooks (down 13.2%), Other Customer and Information Services Representatives (down 11.2%), Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers (down 10.3%), and Registered Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (down 9.1%).

We do see some overlap in what occupations people are searching for and what occupations are in-demand in Windsor-Essex for July 2023, specifically Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing. This occupation performs material handling, clean-up, packaging, and other elemental activities related to food and beverage processing. They are employed in fruit and vegetable processing plants, dairies, flour mills, bakeries, sugar refineries, meat plants, breweries, and other food and beverage processing and packaging plants. Regional employers for Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing include Mastronardi Produce Limited, Nortera, SUNSET Produce, Highline Mushrooms, and Diageo.

What Skills are Employers Looking for in July 2023?:

While it is helpful to know what occupations are in-demand in the region, it is also useful to see what kinds of skills in general employers are looking for in their potential employees. In the 5,617 total active job postings in July, the following skills were found listed:

Communication was included in 2,046 or 58% of total job postings, Support was included 1,856 or 50%, Management was included in 1,761 or 46%, Customer Service was included in 1,303 or 31%, Driving was included in 1,032 or 23%, Attention to Detail was included in 1,026 or 23%, Organization was included in 892 or 19%, and Interpersonal Skills was included in 848 or 18%.

Additionally, of the 5,617 total active job postings, employers identified these following key job requirements: Microsoft Office (found in 404 total job postings), Criminal Record Check (found in 247 total job postings), Regular Access to a Vehicle (found in 226 total job postings), First Aid (found in 222 total job postings), and Food Safety (found in 135 total job postings).

Hiring by 2-Digit NAICS:

In looking at Hiring by 2-Digit NAICS, we can see how in-demand different sectors are in Windsor-Essex.

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Please note that job postings may be double-counted to less specific NAICS categories if they are posted by an employer belonging to more than one 6-Digit NAICS classification. This accounts for roughly 5% of all employers and roughly 11% of all the job postings.

Here we can see increases and decreases in the different sectors. Percentage-wise, the Utilities sector showed significant growth in July as compared to June with a 70% increase, but that is based on a very small number of job postings. Other sectors seeing significant increases in total active job postings in July as compared to June include Wholesale Trade (up 19.6%); Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting (up 16.9%); and Manufacturing (up 6.3%).

The Management of Companies and Enterprises sector saw a significant decrease of 50%, but this was also based on a small number of job postings. Other sectors that saw significant decreases in job postings in July as compared to June include Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (down 21.1%); Finance and Insurance (down 20.6%); Transportation and Warehousing (down 16.6%); Accommodation and Food Services (down 10.9%); and Other Services (Except Public Administration) (down 9.4%).

Top Hiring Employers:

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Looking at the companies posting jobs in Windsor-Essex, the above table shows the top 10 hiring companies in the region. We can see where certain sectors are hiring, including Retail Trade (Loblaw Companies Limited, Zehrs, and RONA Inc.), Health Care and Social Assistance (Windsor Regional Hospital – Met Campus and Victorian Order of Nurses / VON Canada), and Manufacturing (Flex-N-Gate Corporation). Interestingly, Mastronardi Produce Limited was fourth in the list of top hiring employers for July 2023, which was identified above as one of the region’s top employers for the in-demand occupation of Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing.




As of April 2019, the monthly Job Demand Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from unique national, provincial and locally-significant job boards. Between May 2017 and March 2019, job posting data was purchased from CEB Talent Neuron.


The monthly Job Search Report for Windsor-Essex is created by Workforce WindsorEssex using data collected from four job finding tools, including WEexplore, WEmap jobs, WEjobs board, and the Bridge Timeline Tool. Gender and age information of users is voluntarily shared with the organization.

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