Libro Credit Union has partnered with Workforce WindsorEssex to create two new online tools for the community designed to make finding and accessing local training and education programs in Windsor-Essex easier. A $68,000 investment from Libro supported the creation of a Training Board and a Career Choice Calculator. The tools were released on Workforce WindsorEssex’s website in Fall 2021.
The Training Board shares real-time supply and demand information about training opportunities in Windsor-Essex. Monthly reports are generated to highlight the supply and demand of the listed training opportunities. This tool aims to improve the availability of real-time, place-based supply and demand information about training gaps and better coordinate the scattered delivery system that has jobseekers, students, and employers visiting numerous websites to find information on available training opportunities.
The Career Choice Calculator outlines the vast employment opportunities available in Windsor-Essex across many different sectors, while taking into consideration the time and cost of entering these careers locally and the expected salary to be earned. Supporting the current and future workforce to make informed career decisions will lessen the skills gap locally, improve employment outcomes of local post-secondary graduates, and increase the number of qualified jobseekers gaining meaningful employment.