With Ontario facing increasingly stringent COVID-19 restrictions, jobseekers may find it disheartening when it appears that jobs are in short order. Here are some additional resources and ways you can keep motivated when looking for work if lockdowns and social distancing are slowing down your search.

Check out in-demand sectors from WFWE’s Monthly Job Demand ReportYou may be surprised at what you find! This report provides comprehensive data on what jobs and fields are hiring the most in the region, helping you find your best shot at finding work that lines up with your experience and abilities. Once you narrow down what you’re looking for, you can head over to WEjobs; this tool pulls postings from 48 job boards into one place for you to search. 

Use WEmap to find training services that are closest to you. If you’ve been looking to add some additional qualifications to your resumé, this can be the perfect opportunity to find ones you may have missed. With contact information listed for these training services, you can find out which organizations are offering their services remotely. 

Set time for yourself to relax. While this may feel redundant when staying at home as much as possible, this doesn’t mean that every waking moment must be spent being ‘productive.’ Keeping up with your interests – or taking up new ones – is vital for mental health, even when employed. Read that book you could read a million times, watch that show you’ve been recommended, or check out park that would be great for an evening stroll. By setting that time aside for you to relax, you’ll find yourself better able to concentrate when you’re searching for postings and with designated time to relax your mind. 

Remote mental health resources can be an important outlet if you find yourself with days that seem more gloomy than usual. In April 2020, the United Way’s Windsor-Essex COVID Care Coalition launched the 24/7 Windsor-Essex Counselling Support Line (WECSL) to provide professional counselling support on our community. The Coalition also runs a Facebook Group dedicated to provide additional support. Unlike many online services, these resources have no fee and are staffed by people living in Windsor-Essex to help you find guidance through your struggles. 


Have any questions or any additional tips? Please contact: info@workforcewindsoressex.com

Taking Your Job Search Online is developed in partnership with South Essex Community Council and funded by United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County and the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund.