Local in-demand jobs vs. pandemic in-demand jobs: What careers are in-demand during these times

From October 2019 to November 2020, the types of jobs most in demand in the Windsor Essex area have been consistent. According to the monthly data captured by the WE Jobs Board, the types of jobs in-demand before and during the Covid-19 pandemic have not seen any significant changes. The jobs posted most frequently over October 2019 – November 2020 period on the WE Jobs Board are:

  1. Retail salesperson
  2. Home support workers, housekeepers & related occupations
  3. Nursery & Greenhouse Workers
  4. Other customer service and information services representatives
  5. Transport Truck Drivers


The jobs that were in-demand prior to March 2020 continue to be in-demand since March 2020 when the pandemic started. The availability of these jobs has remained consistent despite the economic challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Companies are still hiring for these roles and there are jobs available. October 2020 had the greatest number of jobs posted on the WE Jobs portal (4,349) since October 2019, which had 4,205 posted roles.

Looking beyond the top five current in-demand jobs, other jobs have seen an increase in demand over the past several months. These positions have consistently been posted over the past 13 months in the WindsorEssex area:

  1. Material handler
  2. Retail and wholesale trade manager
  3. Cook
  4. Delivery driver
  5. Food Counter Attendant


What jobs will be in-demand in WindsorEssex after the pandemic is over? How will the job market shift? Looking at the trends we have seen in the past ten months can give some insight into these questions. However, what the economy will look like one, two, or five years from now is difficult to determine. Some trends we are seeing are an increase in online service delivery and shopping, and increased use of technology (including artificial intelligence). Both of these would require more digital and technology skills; more interest in entrepreneurship and starting a new business; a shift towards a green economy; cybersecurity; and a bigger focus on health and safety.

It is also important to look at global trends. In October 2020, LinkedIn posted 2 lists of jobs in demand based on job posting on its platform[1]. These indicate a global trend, not specifically a trend in Canada, Ontario, or WindsorEssex. The jobs with the fastest growing demand were:

  1. Tax Specialist
  2. Receptionist
  3. Retail Associate
  4. Customer Representative
  5. Dotnet Developer

The jobs with the most demand overall were:

  1. Salesperson
  2. Registered Nurse
  3. Software Engineer
  4. Tax Specialist
  5. Driver


According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, there will be a growing job demand for the following[2]:

  1. Data Analysts and Scientists
  2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
  3. Big Data Specialists
  4. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
  5. Process Automation Specialists


This indicates an anticipated shift towards more technology-based careers.

There is agreement on the skills that are needed for most jobs. According to LinkedIn, skills including leadership, problem solving, and communication are important for most jobs. Since the pandemic started, adaptability, resiliency, and technical skills for remote work have become more important.

There are many options in the short- and long-term. If you are considering making a career change, be sure to check out Where to Start when Making Career Decisions.



[1] https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/trends-and-research/2020/most-in-demand-jobs

[2] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/10/x-charts-showing-the-jobs-of-a-post-pandemic-future-and-the-skills-you-need-to-get-them?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social_scheduler&utm_term=Education,+Gender+and+Work&utm_content=24/10/2020+11:00

Have any questions or any additional tips? Please contact: info@workforcewindsoressex.com


Taking Your Job Search Online is developed in partnership with South Essex Community Council and funded by United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County and the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund.