Through this report, we identify the benefits and challenges of working in the gig economy, which occupations and sectors are best supported by gig workers, and how gig work can be a successful and a long-term career path. Different occupations will be identified as strong gig positions, with interviews conducted from local gig workers to learn about their career experience. Strategies for success as a gig worker will be developed, as well as recommendations for how the local business community can better incorporate and support gig workers based on worker and community partner consultations.
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About the Author:
Nik Prsa, Project Coordinator and Research Analyst
Nik is a Project Coordinator and Research Analyst at Workforce WindsorEssex. Having recently completed his MA in Political Science, he initially joined Workforce WindsorEssex through the program’s internship stream in 2020. His passion for the region informs his work in retrieving market data and assisting in projects examining Windsor-Essex’s present and future labour landscape.