Additional tools that can support you as a Windsor-Essex entrepreneur.
When looking for hiring support, we can promote your online job posting through our job board. Our site captures all online job postings from local employers, and shares them to job seekers, as well as through weekly emails. Users can search for new jobs, filtering for full-time or part-time positions, different sectors, and different skill levels. When hiring for your business, it is important to make sure that you are reaching the largest pool of candidates. Since January, our job board has been used by over 25,000 users from Windsor-Essex and others outside the region. When we capture your job posting, it will also be shared to our other job search tools, including our career library and job map.
If you are looking to better understand the population make up of Windsor-Essex, you may be interested in using our Census Map. This map allows you to learn about the different demographic trends of our communities, allowing you to view the age, gender, ethnicity, income, and language breakdowns of different municipalities, even down to different postal codes for some areas. This tool can be useful when conducting market research to learn more about your customers and how you can expand and better market your business to other communities in our region.
If you are looking to improve your skills, find upcoming conferences, or lunch and learns you will benefit from using our new Training Board. It’s a one-stop shop for finding local training opportunities from a variety of different training providers. You can search by keyword for a specific skill or topic, delivery method (so whether online or in-person), the time commitment (whether one day, one week, one month, and so on), the cost requirement, and the level of credential (including non-credentialed, formal training, or a post-secondary credential).
Any training provider can post their program, conference, or learning opportunities. Providers can post any short-term opportunities that they may be hosting that take less than a year to complete, including webinars, workshops, micro-credentials, and certificates. When users view the opportunities, they will be sent to the designated web page for more information and to register if necessary.
If you are a newcomer or immigrant that is looking to better connect with your community and settlement service providers, we provide coordination services for the Windsor-Essex Local Immigration Partnership. The Partnership engages community partners through information sharing, events, and a locally-driven strategic planning process to help make Windsor-Essex a more welcoming and inclusive community. The partnership strives to assist non-settlement service providers and the community in developing a greater understanding of newcomer needs and services.
With a focus on female entrepreneurs in Windsor-Essex, and as a founding partner of the RISE Network, Workforce WindsorEssex has written the RISE Windsor-Essex Needs Assessment Report for 2020 and 2021. Based on community consultations, the report provides an overview of the challenges facing women in their careers as entrepreneurs, and the successes of community organizations, entrepreneurs, and education institutions. Recommendations for improvement to the local entrepreneurship ecosystem are identified from local success stories and provincial best practices. The 2022 report is currently being developed, with input from many of you as well as the organizations that will be presenting later on. This year’s report will focus on the community-wide collaboration that is needed to improve our local entrepreneurship ecosystem, and necessary next steps to ensure the long-term success for female entrepreneurs in our region.