2024 Awards Winners
Gloria Ledi, Program Lead/Industry Placement Specialist, Women’s Enterprise Skills Training (WEST)
This category is reserved for an educator who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to newcomer development in language, general education, professional development, or student support.

Family Services Windsor Essex
This category is reserved for an organization who has demonstrated significant enhancements to services, access, or supports available to newcomers and immigrants in health, health care, mental health, or wellness.

Didier Marotte, Former Executive Director, Centre Communautaire Francophone Windsor-Essex-Kent (CCFWEK)
This category is reserved for an individual whose contributions to the settlement sector in Windsor-Essex have significantly enhanced access to French language services, supports, and programming either through partnership development, or direct service.

Hnaa Aghil, Settlement Counsellor, Women’s Enterprise Skills Training (WEST)
This category is reserved for an individual who has demonstrated significant contributions and supports for a Refugee population, particularly demonstrating urgency, willingness to support, and who has gone above and beyond to meet the need of the day.

Shelley Gilbert, Executive Director, Legal Assistance of Windsor
This category is reserved for an individual who has demonstrated innovation through service, system, or program enhancements or who has contributed significantly to the sector through research in an effort to build understanding and the development of best practices.

Yasmine Joheir, Executive Director, Centre Communautaire Francophone Windsor-Essex-Kent (CCFWEK)
Volunteers are integral to the support of community organizations. This category is reserved for an individual whose unpaid contributions to settlement and integration have contributed greatly to the development of welcoming communities. This recognition may be given to a service or program volunteer or a member of a board of directors.

Canadian Premier Supplements
This category is reserved for a company that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to newcomer hiring, training, and retention, and who have committed themselves to supporting equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization principles through strong policy and practice.

[Photo of Maxine Deleersnyder and June Muir, representing UHC Hub Of Opportunities, accepting on behalf of their nominee, David Baillargeon, Canada Premier Supplements]
Charlotte LeFrank, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist, Windsor Essex Children’s Aid Society
This category is reserved for an organization, outside of the IRCC-funded settlement organizations, whose contributions to the development of welcoming communities here in Windsor-Essex cannot go understated.

Faith Enemaku, Settlement Counsellor, Women’s Enterprise Skills Training (WEST)
This category is reserved for a front-line staff member within a settlement organization who has less than 5 years of experience. The staff member should demonstrate the commitment to creating welcoming communities, equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization principles, and a desire to improve the sector through positive impact.

Michelle Suchiu, Health Integrated Lead/ Project Management Lead, Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team (WE OHT)
This category is reserved for an individual with over 15 years of contributions to the local settlement sector, whose dedication, commitment, innovation, and tireless engagement and support of newcomers in Windsor-Essex must be recognized. This individual may have worked for several organization but continued in their contributions to multiple initiatives, events, organizations, best practices, and lives of individuals new to Windsor-Essex.