
Brendan Dodd, MBA, CMM III

Superintendent – Organizational Performance, Planning & Development, Windsor Police Service

Brendan Dodd has served as a police officer with the Windsor Police Service (WPS) for over 30 years, with over 11 years at the Senior Leadership level. For the last seven years, he has held the rank of Superintendent, and his portfolio includes Information Technology, Information Management, Planning, and Professional Development for the WPS.

A strong believer in the power of technology to transform public service delivery, he has led a number of cross-functional teams tasked with implementing strategic digital transformation initiatives.

Brendan has an undergraduate degree from the University of Western Ontario (Huron College) and a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Windsor. In addition to professional certifications in policing and emergency management, Superintendent Dodd achieved Executive Level accreditation as a Certified Municipal Manager by the Province of Ontario, and has served in a variety of Governance and leadership roles at the local, provincial, and national levels.