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Search dozens of job boards at once with the largest job board in the re...
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Explore census data geographically. Compare metrics or view aggregated d...
An online mapping tool that displays job posting concentration and a dat...
Learn more about different industries, and identify regional industry pa...
A dynamic reporting tool that shows employer recruiting and job search b...
What skills, knowledge, and technology are local employers recruiting fo...
How has population, labour force participation, employment, and unemploy...
Search dozens of job boards at once with the largest job board in the region.
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Browse job from across Ontario that may be fully or partially work from home.
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Learn more about different occupations, including regional demand and salary expectations.
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A mapping tool that assists in geo-targeting talent attraction campaigns for hard to fill occupations.
An online mapping tool that displays job posting concentration and a database of companies.
Learn more about different industries, and identify regional industry participants.
A dynamic reporting tool that shows employer recruiting and job search behaviour data.
What skills, knowledge, tools and technology are local employers recruiting for in job postings?
This minor group comprises furniture, wood, plastic and other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors, including furniture and fixture assemblers, finishers, refinishers and inspectors; assemblers and inspectors of other wood products; plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors; industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators; and other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors. They are employed by furniture manufacturing companies; establishments engaged in manufacturing a variety of wood and millwork products; retail furniture stores and furniture refinishing and repair shops; plastic products manufacturing companies and plastic parts divisions of aircraft and other manufacturing companies; custom refinishing, coating and plating shops; and a wide variety of manufacturing companies; or they may be self-employed.
Furniture and fixture assemblers assemble parts to form subassemblies or complete articles of furniture and fixtures. Furniture finishers finish new wood or metal furniture to specified colour and finish. Furniture refinishers refinish repaired, used or old furniture. Inspectors inspect furniture and fixture subassemblies and finished products to ensure product quality. They are employed by furniture manufacturing companies, manufacturing plants, retail furniture stores, refinishing and repair shops, or may be self-employed.
Assemblers of other wood products assemble a variety of wood products and millwork, such as window sashes and doors. Inspectors inspect wood products to ensure product quality. They are employed by establishments engaged in manufacturing a variety of wood and millwork products.
Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors assemble, finish and inspect plastic parts and finished products. They are employed by plastic products manufacturing companies and plastic parts divisions of aircraft or other manufacturing companies.
Industrial painters and coaters operate and tend machines or use brushes and spray equipment to apply paint, enamel, lacquer or other non-metallic protective and decorative coatings to surfaces of various products. Metal finishing process operators operate machines or equipment to deposit metallized substances on workpieces and surfaces to provide decorative, protective and restorative coatings. These workers are employed by manufacturing companies and custom refinishing, coating and plating shops.
Other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors assemble, finish and inspect components or products of various materials, such as jewellery, silverware, buttons, pencils, non-prescription lenses, brushes, clocks and watches, musical instruments, sporting goods, toys, boats and other miscellaneous products. They are employed by a wide variety of manufacturing companies.
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