
Career Library

Career Library

6 Education Programs for

The following programs are available for this occupation:

  • Sociology

    University of Windsor

    4 Years 8 Semesters Full Time Online & In Person

    Cost: $33,688

    Course Requirements: English/ENG4U
    Minimum Average: 70%
    Mean Average (Entering Fall 2019): 80%

  • Psychology

    University of Windsor

    4 Years Full Time Online

    Cost: $33,295

    Course Requirements: English/ENG4U
    Minimum Average: 70%
    Mean Average (Entering Fall 2019): 80%

  • Hairstyling (Fast Track)

    St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

    1 Years 3 Semesters Full Time Online & In Person

    Cost: $9,316

    OSSD with the majority of courses at the College (C), University (U), University/College (M) or Open (O) level qualify for admission to this program.

  • Fitness & Health Promotion

    St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

    2 Years 4 Semesters Full Time Online & In Person

    Cost: $9,328

    OSSD with the majority of courses at the College(C), University (U), University/College (M) or Open (O) level plus:

    • Grade 12 English – ENG4U, ENG4C, EAE4C or EAE4U

    Senior level Biology is strongly recommended.

  • Autism & Behavioural Science (Alternate Delivery)

    St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

    1 Years 3 Semesters In Person

    Cost: $4,002

    Admission Requirements

    Post Secondary graduates from a related discipline such as college diploma, college advanced diploma or applied degree in a related discipline (e.g. Behavioural Science, Early Childhood Education, Child and Youth Care, Developmental Services Worker, Educational Support).

    Field Placement

    Employers who provide our field placement settings require a clear POLICE RECORD CHECK for criminal offences with vulnerable sector screening before accepting a student into the field placement setting. The record check MUST be obtained by the student at the student’s expense. If you are unable to obtain this police clearance by mid September, you jeopardize the opportunity to complete either of your field placements.

    Health Requirements

    Accepted applicants must supply proof of a satisfactory medical examination and immunization prior to program entry.

    • Medical Requirements Form

    Please be advised that lack of documented immunizations may result in the restriction of clinical placement and therefore may delay and/or prevent completion of the prescribed program.

  • Autism & Behavioural Science

    St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

    1 Years 2 Semesters Full Time In Person

    Cost: $4,326

    Admission Requirements

    Post Secondary graduates from a related discipline such as college diploma, college advanced diploma or applied degree in a related discipline (e.g. Behavioural Science, Early Childhood Education, Child and Youth Care, Developmental Services Worker, Educational Support).

    Field Placement

    Employers who provide our field placement settings require a clear POLICE RECORD CHECK for criminal offences with vulnerable sector screening before accepting a student into the field placement setting. The record check MUST be obtained by the student at the student’s expense. If you are unable to obtain this police clearance by mid September, you jeopardize the opportunity to complete either of your field placements.

    Health Requirements

    Accepted applicants must supply proof of a satisfactory medical examination and immunization prior to program entry.

    • Medical Requirements Form

    Please be advised that lack of documented immunizations may result in the restriction of clinical placement and therefore may delay and/or prevent completion of the prescribed program.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario

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