
Career Library

Career Library

Aerospace engineers

National Occupation Code (NOC): 21390

Aerospace engineers research, design and develop aerospace vehicles, aerospace systems and their components, and perform duties related to their testing, evaluation, installation, operation and maintenance. They are employed by aircraft and spacecraft manufacturers, air transport carriers, and in government and educational and research institutions.

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Job Duties for Aerospace engineers

  • Design and develop aerospace vehicles, systems and components such as aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, satellites and space-based communication systems
  • Develop and conduct computer simulations of aerospace vehicles, systems and components using advanced mathematical modelling
  • Prepare specifications for materials and processes to be used in aerospace manufacturing, maintenance, repair or modification
  • Supervise and coordinate the manufacturing, assembly, modification, repair and overhaul of aircraft and spacecraft
  • Coordinate ground and flight tests of air and spacecraft
  • Develop operational specifications, maintenance schedules and manuals for operators
  • Develop the technical phases of logistical and operational support for aerospace vehicles and systems
  • Investigate and report on structural or other component or system failures, accidents or incidents and prepare recommendations for corrective action.

Alternate Job Titles

  • Aerodynamics Engineer
  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Aeronautical Project Engineer
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Aerospace Engineer - Design And Development
  • Aerospace Engineer - Flight Operations
  • Aerospace Engineer - Flight Support
  • Aerospace Engineer - Flight Test
  • Aerospace Engineer - Mass Properties
  • Aerospace Engineer - Material Stress
  • Aerospace Engineer - Materials And Processes
  • Aerospace Engineer - Propulsion Systems
  • Aerospace Engineer - Systems
  • Aerospace Engineer - Systems Analysis
  • Aerospace Engineer - Weight And Balance
  • Aerospace Engineering Officer - Canadian Armed Forces
  • Aerospace Reliability Specialist
  • Aerospace Structural Engineer
  • Aerospace Systems Engineer
  • Aerospace Test Engineer
  • Aircraft Design Engineer
  • Engineer Weight Analyst - Aircraft Design
  • Propulsion Engineer - Aerospace Vehicles
  • Space Reliability Specialist
  • Stress Engineer - Aerospace
  • Structures Aerospace Engineer
  • Weight And Balance Engineer - Aerospace
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario

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