Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
None found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
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The following occupations share matching job skills with Civil engineers and may be of interest:
Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants support students, and assist teachers and counsellors with teaching and non-instructional tasks. They assist…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
None found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in minor groups: General Office Workers (141) and…
Managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a telecommunications establishment, department or facility….
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
None found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
This unit group includes agricultural and bio-resource engineers, biomedical engineers, engineering physicists and engineering scientists, marine and naval engineers, textile…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
Tool & Technology Gaps
This unit group includes faculty administrators and registrars of colleges or universities and administrators of vocational training schools. Faculty administrators…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
None found.
Geological and mineral technologists and technicians provide technical support and services or may work independently in the fields of oil…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
Tool & Technology Gaps
Paralegals prepare legal documents and conduct research to assist lawyers or other professionals. Independent paralegals provide legal services to the…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
Tool & Technology Gaps
None found.
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who assemble, fabricate and inspect electrical components, appliances,…
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Shippers and Receivers…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
This unit group includes circus performers, magicians, models, puppeteers and other performers not elsewhere classified. They are employed by circuses,…
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
No overlap found.
Tool & Technology Gaps
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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